General Business / 2 posts found

Does Your Business Have Enough Time for Meetings?

by HeadMaster
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I’m getting a lot of messages on Facebook from people who have just started a business asking me general business questions. One that has come in a time or two is about having regularly scheduled meetings and what topics the entire company (or large groups) should meet about. I’m not unbiased on this topic. I’ll start off by saying that, in general, I think meetings are a waste of time. In fact, I’m going to encourage you, if you have a staff of any number at this point, to avoid meetings. Most of the time, using only one person’s time […]

Why Being Lazy Can Actually Help You Become Wealthy!

by HeadMaster
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I will start by saying that I believe in work and that most wealthy people don’t inherit or luck into their wealth, they earn it. That word “earn,” can mean different things. Sometimes money or a result is earned by working long hours. Picture an athlete working hour after hour on refining a skill or a self-employed person working every day including weekends. That’s one way to earn. Another way to earn is to leverage a skill or knowledge. For example, a chiropractor might take 5 seconds to adjust your spine in order to correct a misalignment. You feel better […]